Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fabi Antoine Belgium female bodybuilders competition

Fabi Antoine Belgium female bodybuilders competition
For fans of the hottest female bodybuilder to hit the wrestling scene in years - Fabi Antoine from Belgium! She's big, blonde, beautiful, and a rough and tough judo champion - what more could you want! This will be a place where only the best photos will be found, since there are too many low resolution pics of her on the web that do not do her justice.

Until there is a message board on her web site or on Diana the Valkyrie, this group will be running. When that does happen, it will be announced here, and this group will be a storage place for photos. You can always go to her site,
Fabi AntoineFabi AntoineFabi AntoineFabi AntoineFabi AntoineFabi Antoine

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