Thursday, January 7, 2010

Body Builder Andreas Munzer

About :

Andreas Munzer(born circa 1966) was an Austrian born IFBB professional bodybuilder renowned for his extremely low competitive bodyfat levels, famed in his homeland and was characterized by his tragic death. Munzer looked up to Arnold Schwarzenegger more than any other man. Arnold was Austrian, Moreover, he was Styrian. Arnold came from Thal, Munzer from Pack. Arnold took up bodybuilding after seeing a muscleman working out by
Titles won:
1986 European Amateur Championships 6th
1987 World Amateur Championships 3rd
1988 World Amateur Championships 3rd
1989 Mr. Olympia 13th
1989 World Games HeavyWeight, 1st
1990 Arnold Classic 3rd
1990 Grand Prix Germany 3rd
1990 Mr. Olympia 9th
1991 Arnold Classic 9th
1991 Ironman Pro Invitational 3rd
1991 Mr. Olympia Did not place
1991 Pittsburgh Pro Invitational 4th
1993 Arnold Classic 7th
1993 Grand Prix Germany (2) 2nd
1993 Grand Prix Germany 4th
1993 Night of Champions 2nd
1993 Mr. Olympia 9th
1994 Arnold Classic 5th
1994 Grand Prix France 8th
1994 Grand Prix Germany 5th
1994 Mr. Olympia 9th
1995 Arnold Classic 4th
1996 Arnold Classic 6th
1996 San Jose Pro Invitational 7th

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